
Dilution problems bio
Dilution problems bio

dilution problems bio

My assay is able to detect this dilution so can I say that the detection limit is 376 copies PER REACTION (I put 2 microliters and 2X 188/ul=376) or is the limit this 376 divided by the reaction volume of 25?Thank you for your help!! Nice stuff!Perhaps you can help me with this:For real time pcr (detection of virus), one wants to measure the sensitivity of the assay by determining the minumun amount of viral copies per reaction that the assay is able to detect.So, let´s say I have 8 ng/ul of target RNA in the sample (measured by nanospec).

dilution problems bio

By using this formula:Transcript length: 75nucleotidesConcentration: 8 ng/ul = 8 x 10-9 g/ulCalculation: (8 x 10-9 g/ul / ) x 6.022 x 10e23 =about 1,8e11 molecules per ulI dilute this by factor 10-9 and I get 188 molecules per ul.My PCR mix is 25ul that includes 2ul of this RNA sample. And u inoculate 0.1 ml in your medium.so supposed the final volume of your medium is 1ml right? Nice stuff!Perhaps you can help me with this:For real time pcr (detection of virus), one wants to measure the sensitivity of the assay by determining the minumun amount of viral copies per reaction that the assay is able to detect.So, let´s say I have 8 ng/ul of target RNA in the sample (measured by nanospec).

Dilution problems bio