
Raleigh rsw 14
Raleigh rsw 14

Typically there is a year and a month number. The first port of call for dating a "Twenty" is by looking at the date stamp on the rear hub. III (Manufactured by Raleigh) Discontinuedġ984 - H-frame "Twenty" replaced by a U-frameġ989 - Raleigh stops marketing adult-sized small-wheel and folding bicyclesġ990's - Sheldon Brown publishes his web-page about the Raleigh TwentyĢ009 - Webmaster purchases a one-owner "Twenty" frame from Adelaide, South Australia The evolution of the "Twenty" design owes much to it's pre-cursor, the RSW-16 - many components are extremely similar - the handlebars possibly being identical.ġ965 - Raleigh RSW-16 introduced (pictured right)ġ969 - Folding "Twenty" sold in Canada (anecdotal) To compensate for this 2" balloon tyres were used. In order to cash-in on the new craze for small-wheel bicycles, Raleigh first introduced the RSW-16 (Raleigh Small Wheel), which was essentially a simplified Moulton, notably with a lack of suspension. Raleigh were to manufacture it, but dealings went sour and Moulton bicycles were manufactured elsewhere. It was revolutionary in it's design for the time with it's uni-sex step-through frame, tiny 16" wheels, and complete with front and rear suspension. In the 1960's Alex Moulton designed the original Small-Wheel bicycle.

Raleigh rsw 14